Here’s your last call to be part of DC Velocity‘s Annual July Partner Profiles edition, quite simply our best print advertising offer of the year.
Each year, DC Velocity brings added value to its advertising partners by offering all full-page advertisers in the issue a FREE page to deliver a message of their choice to our audience.
That’s right. A FREE page!
Just buy one ad at your regular earned rate and then supply us with a profile of your company, its products and/or services, and its customer benefits.
The profiles will appear in our July issue, which features some of our best-read articles of the year. For instance, this year’s edition includes the unveiling of our annual “DCV Logistics Rainmakers” honorees and an analysis of CSCMP’s Annual State of Logistics Report.
In order to take advantage of the opportunity to run a FREE profile page, you simply need to provide a press-optimized PDF that fits within the following dimensions: 7.375 inches wide by 9.75 inches high. The file must be saved as CMYK with all graphics and fonts (postscript fonts only) embedded. Contact Keisha Capitola at with any questions.
Typically, companies taking advantage of this very special offer include in their free page a 500-word company profile, a company logo, a headline, and company contact information. For more information on the offer and to see sample profiles, visit DC Velocity Partner Profiles.
Important note: Insertion orders for both your full-page ad and your Partner Profile must arrive by June 20 to your DC Velocity sales representative.
Partner Profile materials must arrive by June 20. We prefer that materials be uploaded to our FTP server. FTP instructions may be found here. Materials may also be sent on CD to Keisha Capitola, Director of Creative Services and Production Manager. Contact her at for shipping instructions.
As a reminder, the ad close for the July issue is Wednesday, June 20.