All good things must come to an end, and ProMat 2019 is no exception. The biennial event will close its doors on Thursday, April 11. That will be the ideal time to leverage the momentum you gained in Chicago, and DC Velocity is here to help.
As show organizer MHI notes, “ProMat is where manufacturing and supply chain professionals come to find their supply chain WOW – that trend or technology that will take their supply chain to the next level of success.” DC Velocity can help you build on the momentum from ProMat and deliver that WOW even after we all leave the show floor and head home.
Here are just a few of the ways we can help continue building awareness of your brand:
- Do you have a video that you filmed at ProMat or one you streamed from your booth? We can promote it to 50,000 subscribers via our popular “Now Trending on DCV TV” e-newsletter.*
- Net Price: $1,995
- Have a white paper to share or promotional material for a new product that you rolled out at the show? We can e-blast it via dedicated email* to our audience of logistics and supply chain professionals.
- Net Price: $5,775
- We can place your banner or sponsored content (or both) in our comprehensive ProMat Post-Show Wrap-up e-newsletter* discussing highlights of the show floor.
- Net Price: $3,500
- A print ad page in the next edition of DC Velocity will surround your brand with our award-winning content and keep your company front of mind with the market’s most important and influential buyers.
- Net prices from $9500 (full-page ads) to $2500 (quarter-page ads)
- How about a social media post sent to our market-leading audience of 70,000 followers?
- Net Price: $1,595 per post.
All of these products and services can also be bundled into a customized package to suit your specific and unique goals. For instance, we could build a turnkey package that would include:
- Featured video you provide for our “Now Trending on DCV TV” e-newsletter*
- ProMat Post-Show Wrap-up e-newsletter sponsorship*
- Two social media posts
- Dedicated email* to the audiences of both DC Velocity and our sister brand, CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly.
- Net price: $10,000
- Add a full-page print ad in the May edition of DC Velocity to the package above for just an additional $5,000 Net.
*These products will provide solid, actionable leads that we will deliver to you within days of the transmission.