Weekly podcast will provide concise updates on supply chain news and trends.
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) and Supply Chain Quarterly (SCQ) announce the release of a new podcast filled with pinpointed discussions on supply chain management with top thought innovators in the field.
The weekly podcast will be presented in multiple series, each with its own theme. The first series, “The State of Logistics,” kicks off March 8 with a look at inventories. Our guest will be Zac Rogers, assistant professor of operations and supply chain management at Colorado State University.
Future episodes in the State of Logistics series will include:
- Jack Ampuja, president, Supply Chain Optimizers, on the state of parcel delivery
- Todd Tranausky, vice president of rail and intermodal, FTR Transportation Intelligence, on rail transport
- John Boyd, principal, The Boyd Company, on warehousing
- Balika Sonthalia, partner in the strategic operations practice, Kearney, on air transportation
- Andy Moses, senior vice president of sales and solutions, Penske Logistics, on third-party logistics providers
- Tyler Higgins, managing director, AArete, on trucking
- Patrik Berglund, chief executive officer and co-founder, Xeneta, on ocean transport
“The supply chain is constantly changing, influenced by world events: cyber threats, changes in the labor market, the pandemic, climate change, global conflict, and new technology, among others. Supply Chain in the Fast Lane will help supply chain professionals—and anyone else who wants to learn about these issues—to keep pace with these changes and respond appropriately,” says David Maloney, group editorial director of CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly. “It will add context to Supply Chain Quarterly’s daily online news updates and add to the analysis offered in the print magazine’s in-depth articles.”
“As your professional association, CSCMP is committed to both developing and arming supply chain professionals to be successful in their pursuit of excellence throughout their careers, as well as advancing the discipline and accomplishing CSCMP’s mission of a truly integrated, end-to-end supply chain,” says Mark Baxa, CSCMP President and CEO. “Supply Chain in the Fast Lane delivers real-time trends from our communities’ renowned experts, as we all focus on the road ahead.”
Supply Chain in the Fast Lane will be hosted on cscmp.org and SupplyChainQuarterly.com as well as Apple, Spotify, and all the top podcast streaming services. New episodes will come out on Tuesdays.